Enjoy 40 poems that will make you laugh, cry, and think without
getting a headache! Included are these notable titles:
“Automatic Doors,” “Houseplant Takeover,” “Plastic Bags in Trees,” “Drug
Commercials on the Evening News,” “Bumping into Things,” “Red-Hot
Rednecks,” “The Comfort of Snow,” “What to Do in Heaven,” “Beer Buzz and
Wine High,” “The Woman on the Bottom Floor,” “Why Is Poetry Hard to
Understand?” “Leftover Brownies on Valentine's Day,” “The Bald Eagles
Nest,” “Everything I Suck At,” “When That Day Comes,” “Sitting in
Silence,” “Vendors at Tables,” “The Unwritten Novel,” “From Far Away,”
“Halloween for Adults,” “Judging,” “Whom to Thank on Thanksgiving,”
“Silly Old Stella,” “Feeling the Christmas Spirit Alone,” “Life Cycle,”
“Excuses,” “The Eyeball Stealers,” “Roommate Roulette,” “The Surveyor,”
“Prequels, Sequels, and Reboots,” “My Temple Likes Cheese,” “Car
Repairs,” “The Mattress Springs,” “Sadie,” “Dollar Tree Delight,”
“Writing a Poem,” “Those Things That Disappeared,” “Will You Buy My
Book?” “Untimely Insect Deaths,” and “They’ll Think That You're
Insane." (92 pp.)
Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble!