The Making of "Calmness of Woods"
by Victor Rook
Back in 2010 I had just published a book of short stories about my crazy life when I thought, where do I go from here? To the woods, of course. It always seems like a great escape. But I know how this story goes. I'll grab my camera, set out to the nearest nature trail, take a few pictures, then feel desperately sad that I'm enjoying it alone. This day turned out to be different. Halfway through the Ellanor C. Lawrence trail off Route 28, out of breath and thinking I should just make my way back to the car, I spotted this wonderful nook inside a fallen tree. Its own little ecosystem of plant life, decaying matter, and probably lots of insects and small animals, it reminded me of the terrariums I kept at home. It was unlike other decaying logs strewn throughout the trails. It screamed, "Look at me, I'm nature's diorama!" The "oh cool" bulb flashed off in my head and I took several pictures from various angles. That moment, finite as it was, set me off on a two-year journey through six of Northern Virginia's most beautiful nature trails: Prince William Forest Park, Manassas Battlefield Park, Ellanor C. Lawrence Park, Conway Robinson State Forest, Brentsville Nature Trail, and the Bull Run-Occoquan Trail. Fifty long hikes and over two thousand pictures later, I would complete the "Calmness of Woods" DVD.
This would be just one of many encounters with deer on the trails. At Manassas Battlefield, for instance, there was rarely a hike when I didn't spot a deer, or two, or twenty. One time on a bridle trail in the southeast corner of the park a group of about ten deer and I met simultaneously at a 'T' in the pathway. It was like a scene from America's Funniest Home Videos. They scrambled as I frantically tried to adjust my camera. Others I wouldn't notice until I was virtually upon them, like this buck who eyed me from the sidelines.
Most insects have absolutely no qualms about public procreation, like these damselflies caught in the prime of the act. When you only have a few weeks to live, modesty is the least of your worries.
Some mushrooms I gave pet names to, like cookies and cream, and lemon pound cake, though I'd think twice before gnawing on them. It looks like a few of the forest creatures already tried. Remember puffballs? These were spotted along Mawavi Road as I made my way to the High Meadows Trail in Prince William Forest Park. How about Indian pipe?
Panoramas of ferns greeted me on the north side of High Meadows Trail at Prince William, and lily pads abounded at Ellanor C. Lawrence's pond off Walney Rd. The mile-long Brentsville Trail is a hidden treasure of plant and animal life. Trout lilies and Bloodroot rise up in unison in early spring.
You never know what you'll discover when you make a different turn. One day I decided to go left on a Manassas Battlefield bridle trail I had traversed many times. A hundred yards later: this large hidden water sanctuary below not even on the map. I've returned to this spot many times since then. On another nearby trail in the dead of winter, three deer appeared like a greeting card image. And on a cold January day, a coiled-up leaf with a built-in porthole could be home to some unknown, mysterious creature. I figured I'd just take a picture and let it be. My hands were frozen. Award-winning composer, Kevin MacLeod, added the soundtracks to the various videos on the DVD and uniquely captures the essence of the featured shots. It makes you want to take notice, which is a hard task when far too many images bombard our daily lives. Finally, for those wishing to improve their own picture-taking skills, I added a Nature Photography tutorial called "10 Nature Photography Tips." I want others to experience the joy of taking great photos and learn to uncover these buried gems with their own cameras. Will the DVD make people appreciate nature more the next time they're out into the woods? Or at least pause for a moment to take it all in? I truly hope so. Just watch out for ticks. "Calmness of Woods" is available here,, the Manassas Museum, Whimsical Galerie on Center Street in downtown Manassas, and hopefully soon, the gift shops of the parks featured on the DVD. (c) 2012. All images copyrighted by Victor Rook and are not to be copied or distributed without written consent. Contact Email: |